Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Don't give in!

It's time for the Bullying Labyrinth Blog to reboot! So today we are going to talk about a general way of avoiding bullies. I know that this technique might be very simple but it works 80% of the time. So let's get started.

This method is all about not giving attention that bullies clearly want. Why do they want attention do you say? Well there is only one answer. That is because they are jealous or mad at something that they want to take it out on you. They might be jealous because you have something that they do not posses for example, a video game or a shirt etc and jealousy that they have causes them to get mad. Therefore, they want to bully you for it.

Quote of the day: "Pay no attention to those who possesses no respect"

I want you guys to listen to this video and understand the message being portrayed. I suggest you guys listen and hopefully you can end this rat race.

Now I'm going to talk about what the video is basically saying. The thing that this girls' trying to say is that block the negative energy emitted from people and just keep yourself positive at all times. Ignore the rude comments and never give them the attention they want! I hope you guys have learnt a lesson from this blog post see guys next time :)

Monday, 29 April 2013

Fight Back Mode

Hello there my friends! Today I'm going to give you guys one of my favourite tips for getting out of bullying. I call it the 'Fight back mode'. It is very simple to execute. All you have to do is stand up for yourself no matter how uncomfortable you feel towards them. I know it might be very hard for people who has been bullied for quite a long time but hopefully it would work. This technique is more for people who has just recently entered the radioactive zone.


This would work because the bullies will start to think 'Is this guy really an easy target?' As soon as they start to think this way they will loosen up and decrease the frequency of which they bully you. This will decrease slowly but surely, so approximately by the next month or two, they will stop bullying you.


However, this method is a little bit risky, because instead of making things better it could get worst. It could get worst because some bullies doesn't like to be treated in a bad way so they might bully you more often and much worst.

Here is an example of my friend name Bob standing up for himself.
In this image, it also shows what the bully is thinking of.

Friday, 26 April 2013

The Interview

Welcome back my survivors! So earlier today I saw someone getting treated horrendously in the playground. I decided to go inside the playground and interview  the person getting bullied. I asked her to explain her story and inform me of how it feel about being in tight situations. Here is a video of her explaining how melancholy she was whilst being bullied.

Quote of the day: "If people are trying to bring you down. It only means you are above them."

In this video, I hope that you guys have acknowledge how critical a bullying situation is. I felt forlorn for such a young, beautiful and intelligent girl. I'm begging you guys to take my advise and don't make the situation worst by keeping it to yourself. My question to you is: ARE YOU A SNITCH OR SOMETHING EVEN WORST? I urge you guys to tell someone your story -a teacher, parents, or even a close friend- just like the girl in the video. I assure you that this will make you feel better because you will always have in your mind that someone is supporting you to tackle through those aggressive waves we call bullies.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Introduction and Technique No.1

Welcome to a new blog where I, Michael will be informing you about the topic bullying.

I am excited to let you know that we have found different ways to cure this dreadful disease. Bullying!
Did you know that 100% of secondary schools through out the United Kingdom contains bullying. Well if you don't want to get bullied, or if you want to escape such a labyrinth, then come and join my crew so that we can extinguish this growing fire.

Hello there my crew, today I'm going to teach you the first technique to hack bullying. Firstly, try not to draw attention to yourself for example dress yourself nicer and try to act cooler. Here is an example of my friend Matt turning himself to an average Joe into an astounding guy.

The next step is try not to talk to them. Talking to them will just increase the chance for the bully to talk trash about you and disrespect you. Once they have infiltrated you they will never stop and it will be a regular thing for them to bully you. That's all we have for today guys, I hope this will help you guys to avoid and get out of bullying. See you guys next time!