Thursday, 9 May 2013

Last Resort

Hey their my viewers, today I will be talking about a very serious method today, so please do listen carefully. Okay let me introduce you to this method. So this method is only to be used as a last resort for escape. It includes physical self-defence. Basically, you will need to use sheer power which is a very unconventional way of avoiding bullies since you don't want to attract them.

When to use?

This method should only be used when you can't call for help or run away. This will only be used as a last line of defence. Don't ever use this method unless it is under these circumstances!
Here is an idea of what you should do in this type of situation. As you can  see, the blue boy didn't to throw a punch at the red boy. instead he tried to block it and end the commotion.


When this method backfires, you could be in deep doodoo and get critically hurt so I urge you youngers to watch how you use this method! Another scenario that could happen is that the teacher might think you are fighting which means you could get suspended or even worst. EXCLUDED.

In this video you will see a 15 years old boy who has been bullied for a long time. This video shows the method I'm introducing to you in a more aggressive way. However at the end of this scenario, the bullying in his life has finally stopped. This just shows that this method does work very effectively. But I'll say it again, becareful when to use this. 

That's it for today folks see again next time in The Bullying Labyrinth.

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